Currently, QEA has four doctors: two Ophthalmologists and two Optometrists. With expertise in a broad spectrum of eye diseases, from the cornea in the front of the eye to the retina in the back of the eye, we are proud to be able to provide the most comprehensive eye care in this area. Our offices provide state-of-the-art testing and, with an on-site laser available, we offer the latest treatment options. Along with our caring staff, it is our goal to provide you with individualized care to improve and preserve your vision for years to come.
Our Doctors and Staff

Dr. Jun (Jim) Huang, MD, PhD [ back to top ]

Director, Ophthalmologist and Retinal Specialist
Dr. Jun Huang founded Quality Eye Center in 2003. From 2006, he also worked in Atlantic Cumberland Eye Associates, previously directed by Dr. Theodore Buckner and then Dr. Paul Remer. In 2008, Dr. Huang transformed Atlantic Cumberland Eye Associates into Quality Eye Associates and became the director.
Dr. Huang attended Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences in Guangzhou, China from 1978 to 1983. His Residency in Ophthalmology was completed by 1986 at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of the University. He received his PhD on Retina research in 1990 from the Institute of Ophthalmology of the University of London, England. He then carried out a Research Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He completed his second Residency in Ophthalmology in 1999 from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ in Newark, NJ, followed by a Fellowship in Retina in 2000 from Indiana University.
Dr. Huang is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist and Retina Specialist, with affiliation at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Shore Medical Center, AtlantiCare Surgical Center and Jersey Shore Surgical Center.
Treating a broad spectrum of patients, Dr. Huang cares mostly for people with retinal diseases, such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other retinal diseases. With more than 20 years of experience in Ophthalmology, Dr. Huang also takes care of most of other eye diseases.
Summary of Professional Training and Practice in Ophthalmology and Retina:
1. Completed two residency trainings in ophthalmology, one in China and one in USA.
2. More than seven years of retinal research and investigation, including
(1) the Ph.D. study at the Institute of Ophthalmology of the University of London, England,
(2) research fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
(3) research fellowship at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, Newark, NJ.
3. Clinical retinal fellowship at the Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN.
4. More than fifteen years of medical and surgical retinal practice in New Jersey, combined with cataract and glaucoma procedures whenever necessary in complex cases.
Reviewer of Manuscripts or Papers for Ophthalmic or Optometric Journals
1. Ophthalmology.
2. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
3. Journal of Optometry.
- Ph.D. Studentship. The British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society, U.K., 1986-1990
- Special Research Fellowship. The National Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation, U.S.A., 1991-1993
Honors and Awards
- Student Chairman, the 11th Middle-High School, Guangzhou, China, 1969-1973
- Excellent Medical Graduate Award, ranking #4 out of 450 in the graduating class Sun Yat-Sen Univ. of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China, 8/83<
- Outstanding Research As An Ophthalmology Resident Award, UMDNJ, New Jersey By the Lions Eye Research Foundation of New Jersey., 6/99
- Selected to present at the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology, USA, Topic: Retinal Transplantation., 2/98
- Voaden, M.J., Huang, J.C., Wilmott, N.J., Hussain, A.A. Functional recovery in human and rodent retinas in vitro. Biochem. Soc. Trans., 17: 741-742, 1989.
- Huang, J.C. A study of structure and function in postmortem human retina. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, U.K., 1990.
- Huang, J.C., Voaden, M.J., Marshall, J. Survival of structure and function in postmortem rat and human retinas: rhodopsin regeneration, cGMP and the ERG. Curr. Eye Res., 9: 151-162, 1990.
- Huang, J.C., Voaden, M.J., Marshall, J., Kemp, C.M. Electrophysiologic characteristics in human and rat retinas in vitro. Doc. Ophthalmol., 76: 27-35, 1990.
- Huang, J.C., Voaden, M.J., Shallal, A., Marshall, J. Phototransduction and opsin synthesis in the human retina postmortem and in explant culture. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 31: 77, 1990.
- Huang, J.C., Hussain, A., Voaden, M.J., Marshall, J. High affinity uptake of amino acid in postmortem human retina. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 32: 1008, 1991.
- Huang, J.C., Salt, T.E., Voaden, M.J., Marshall, J. Non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonists and anoxic degeneration of the ERG b-wave in vitro. Eye, 5: 476-480, 1991.
- Huang, J.C., Chesselet, M.-F., Aguirre, G.D. Reduction in opsin mRNA expression & immunoreactivity in prcd rods by in situ hybridization & immunocytochemistry. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 33: 944, 1992.
- Huang, J.C., Aguirre, G.D. Differential reduction of immunoreactivity in various regions of opsin vs decrease in opsin mRNA in prcd rod. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 34: 471, 1993.
- Huang, J.C., Arden G.B., Voaden, M.J., Marshall, J. Survival of cone responses in postmortem human retina. Doc. Ophthalmol., 83: 91-96, 1993.
- Huang, J.C., Mieziewska, K., Philp, N., van Veen, T., Aguirre, G.D. Diethylene glycol distearate: a versatile embedding medium for retinal cytochemistry. J. Neurosci. Meth., 47: 227-234, 1993.
- Gropp, K.E., Huang, J.C., Aguirre, G.D. Opsin and S-antigen, but not interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP), are decreased with disease in rods with progressive rod-cone degeneration. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 35: 1611, 1994.
- Huang, J.C., Chesselet, M.-F., Aguirre, G.D. Decreased opsin mRNA and immuno-reactivity in progressive rod-cone degeneration. Exp. Eye Res., 58: 17-30, 1994.
- Huang, J.C., Gay, R.N., Khella, S.L. Sickling crisis, fat embolism, and coma after steroids. The Lancet, 344: 951-952, 1994.
- Gropp, K.E., Agoston, S., Huang, J.C., Acland, G.M., Farber, D.B., Aguirre, G.A. Selective absence of cone outer segment ß3-transducin immunoreactivity in hereditary cone degeneration (cd). Exp. Eye Res. 63: 285-296, 1996.
- Gropp, K.E., Huang, J.C., Aguirre, G.A. Differential expression of photoreceptor-specific proteins during disease & degeneration in the progressive rod-cone degeneration retina. Exp. Eye Res., 64: 875-886, 1997.
- Huang, J.C., Ishida, M., Goldfeder, S., Sugino, I.K., Zarbin, M.A. Subretinal iodoacetate: a model of retinal degeneration in cats. In: Degenerative Retinal Diseases (LeVail, M.M., Hollyfield, J.G. and Anderson, R.E., eds.), Plenum Publishing Corp., New York. 1997.
- Huang, J.C., Ishida, M., Sugino, I.K., Yao, R., Zarbin, M.A. A novel model of photoreceptor-deficient retina induced by subretinal injection of iodoacetate. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 38: S311, 1997.
- Ishida, M., Huang, J.C., Yao, R., Sugino, I.K., Zarbin, M.A. Preparation of retinal pigment epithelium sheet monolayers for transplantation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 38:311, 1997.
- Huang, J.C., Ishida, M., Hersh, P., Sugino, I.K., Zarbin, M.A. Preparation and transplantation of photoreceptor sheets. Curr. Eye Res., 17: 573-585, 1998.
- Huang, J.C., Zarbin M.A., Voaden, M.J., Marshall J. Survival of structure and function in postmortem human retina: morphologic survival and variability. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 40: S730, 1999.
- Huang, J.C., Voaden, M.J., Zarbin, M.A., Marshall, J. Morphologic preservation and variability of human donor retina. Curr. Eye Res., 20: 231-241, 2000.
- Huang, J.C., Li, S. Long term complications of intraocular lens lmplants. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, SUMS, Guangzhou, China. 5/1986.
- Huang, J.C., Chesselet, M.-F., Aguirre, G.D. Reduction in opsin mRNA expression and immunoreactivity in prcd rods by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. The Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Sarasota, FL, 5/1992.
- Huang, J.C., Zarbin, M.A. Retinal Transplantation, History and Current Developments. The annual meeting of the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology. Phoenix, AZ, 2/98
- Huang, J.C., Ishida, M., Hersh, P., Sugino, I.K., Zarbin, M.A. Preparation and transplantation of photoreceptor sheets. The Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Fort Lauderdale, FL, 5/1998.
- Huang, J.C. Age-related macular degeneration. Wesley Manor Nursing Home, Ocean City, NJ, 11/2000.
- Huang, J.C. Age-related macular degeneration, treatments and photodynamic therapy. Horizon Eye Care, Absecon, NJ, 2/2001.
- Huang, J.C. Age-related macular degeneration, treatments and photodynamic therapy. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, SUMS, Guangzhou, China, 6/2001.
- Huang, J.C. Age-related macular degeneration, treatments and photodynamic therapy. Eye Associates, Cherry Hill, NJ, 7/2001
- Huang, J.C. Age-related macular degeneration, treatments and photodynamic therapy. The Eye Center, Vineland, NJ, 9/2001.
- Huang, J.C. Retinal hemorrhages and leukemia. Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, 9/2001.
- Huang, J.C. Course for continuing medical education for optometrists of New Jersey. Topic: Age-related macular degeneration: current concepts, diagnosis, available treatments, and photodynamic therapy. Horizon Eye Care, English Creek, NJ, 10/2001.
- Huang, J.C. Course for continuing medical education for optometric society of south New Jersey. Topic: AMD, myopic degeneration and histoplasmosis and PDT. 9/2002.
- Huang, J.C. Optic neuritis, cystoid macular edema and multiple sclerosis. Annual Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, 9/2002.
- Huang, J.C. A mystery case of progressive visual loss with ocular ischemic syndrome. Annual Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, 10/2003.
- Huang, J.C. Course for continuing medical education for optometric society of south New Jersey. Update of Age-related macular degeneration. Egg Harbor Township, NJ. 05/2005.
- Huang, J.C. Possible new treatment of central serous retinopathy. Annual Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. 1/2008.
- Huang, J.C. Intravitreal Kenalog, with and without photodynamic therapy, for treatment of central serous retinopathy. Alumni Research Presentations, UMDNJ, Newark, NJ, 2/2008.
- Huang, J.C. Course for continuing medical education for optometric society of south New Jersey. Age-related macular degeneration – update & management, and interesting retinal cases. Questions and answers. 05/05/2008
- Huang, J.C. Radiation retinopathy: A difficult choice of treatment in early stage. Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. 10/2008.
- Huang, J.C. Radiation Retinopathy – Should We Treat the Early Leakage or the Late Symptoms? Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. 11/2009.
- Huang, J.C. Unusual Etiology of Sub-Retinal Fluid and Optic Neuritis. Atlantic Coast Retina Club Meeting and Retina 2011. The Union League of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 1/2011.
- Huang, J.C. Modified Pneumatic Retinopexy. Retinal Conference, Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. 9/2011.
Dr. Ping Huang, MD, PhD [ back to top ]
Ophthalmologist and Glaucoma Specialist
Dr. Ping Huang is an ophthalmologist with more than 20 years of clinical experience and is dedicated to providing all her valued patients highest quality eye care. Besides being a comprehensive ophthalmologist, Dr. Ping Huang is also an experienced glaucoma specialist and cataract surgeon.
Dr. Ping Huang provides care for medical and surgical glaucoma, as well as for cataracts and complex combined cataract and glaucoma surgeries. She performs anterior segment laser treatment including secondary cataract and glaucoma laser, cataract phacoemulsification surgery, small incision cataract surgery, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery with faster recovery (iStent, Trabectome, Canaloplasty, Viscocanalostomy, etc), cyclophotocoagulation, and traditional glaucoma surgery including Trabeculectomy and Glaucoma Drainage Implants. She has completed thousands of complex cataract and glaucoma surgeries. She is also a certified trainer of the Trabectome procedure.
Dr. Ping Huang completed two full ophthalmology residency training, one in Beijing China and one in the US. After her first residency and glaucoma training in China, she had practiced as a glaucoma specialist at the Department of Ophthalmology of Peking University Third Hospital (aka Peking University Eye Center), which is a major tertiary-care referral center for north China. She was also an associate professor of Peking University Eye Center, Peking University Health Science Center, one of the most competitive and internationally respected medical colleges in China. In 2008, she received an award of international glaucoma fellowship funding from ICO (International Council of Ophthalmology) to attend the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary with Professor Ritch for advanced training in glaucoma. In 2010, Dr. Huang was selected by the Chinese Ministry of Health as a senior expert in the Health Express charity project to perform cataract surgery and provide training to local doctors.After moving to the US, Dr. Huang devoted her time to the clinical research of glaucoma and cornea at Doheny Eye Institute of UCLA, which further strengthened her knowledge and drove her to stay current with the latest treatments and provide excellent patient care. Then with all the enthusiasm for ophthalmology, she completed her second ophthalmology residency training in Northwell Health Eye Institute, New York.
She has published over 50 scientific articles in peer-reviewed ophthalmology journals and has lectured and presented her research at national and international meetings, including Germany, France, Korea, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Greece, and China. She has been awarded the prestigious “Best Paper of Session” award at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting in 2016. Dr. Huang is a member of several medical associations including the American Academy of Ophthalmology, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, and the Chinese American Ophthalmological Society.
Education & Training
English, Chinese黄萍医生是一名具有20多年临床经验的眼科医生。她1998年毕业于北京大学医学部 临床医学系(原名北京医科大学),并以优异成绩报送攻读北京大学医学部眼科学硕 士博士连读专业。毕业后在北京大学第三医院眼科(又名北京大学眼科中心)历任主 治医师,副主任医师和副教授,专业主攻青光眼。在国内外权威期刊发表学术论著 50余篇。完成白内障,青光眼,以及复杂疑难青光眼白内障手术1000多例。黄萍医生 具有丰富的手术经验,善于处理各种复杂疑难病例及并发症,2010年被中国卫生部 选拔为白内障手术培训医生参加健康快车医疗扶贫项目,作为带教医师每日培训基 层医生完成10余例白内障手术,为当地无数百姓送去光明。 来美国后以优异的医学统考成绩进入到美国眼科医生规范化培训, 先后在费城和纽 约完成住院医师培训,获得美国眼科医师执照。
Dr. Michael G. Miller, OD [ back to top ]
Michael G. Miller, is an Optometrist & Primary Care Eye Doctor at Quality Eye Associates serving the eyecare needs of patients throughout southern NJ. Dr. Miller received his Doctorate of Optometry from the New England College of Optometry (NECO). His training included rotations at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute for pediatrics, Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston for pre and post-operative cataract care, and both the University of Maryland and Providence VA Medical Centers for additional training focused on advanced ocular disease. Upon graduation from optometry school he returned to Massachusetts to complete his residency at the Boston VA Medical Center.
Clinical Interests & Specialties:
Eye Exams & Eyecare Services for Vision Correction Diagnosis & Treatment of Routine & Complex Visual Problems Diagnosis & Treatment of Ocular Diseases Pre & Post-Surgical Eyecare At Quality Eye Associates, Dr. Miller sees patients for all aspects of primary eye care including routine eye exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses, evaluation and management of chronic and acute eye diseases, including dry eye, eye allergies, diabetic retinopathy (DR), macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, pre and post-operative surgical management of cataracts & lens implants, as well as fitting specialty contact lenses for patients with high prescriptions and/or corneal pathology.Professional Memberships:
New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians Fellow of the American Academy of OptometryWhere Were You Born & Raised?
I was born in Bryn Mawr and grew up in Chester County, Pennsylvania with my parents, sister, and our German Shepherd’s Lucky and Gunner.
What is Your Favorite Part About Being an Optometrist?
What I enjoy most about my profession is the opportunity to provide clear and comfortable vision to my patients. Sight is a fundamental right for everyone, and being able to take part in this mission is such a rewarding experience.
What is Your Favorite Thing to Do Outside of Work?
Well I definitely like being outdoors. I’m usually either golfing, hiking, or swimming down at the shore.